Event Log
The Event Log is available via the main menu under Log and contains the runtime and audit log messages generated by the selected hub. The log is primarily used for troubleshooting connection and pipeline errors.
Each log message includes the time (localized), the event level (e.g., info, warning, error, fatal, or audit), the source (the Runtime or a Connector), and the message that can be used for troubleshooting.
The log can easily be searched by the Level, Source, or a general filter that looks at the message body.
Audit logs additionally have a “more” window which can be used to access a before and after state for the event.
Additionally, changing some elements may result in additional “cascading” changes to elements which use or reference them (e.g., renaming, tagging, deleting). Logs for these events can be found under the expanded menu for the originating event.
A text-based version of the log is also available in the intelligencehub-events.log
file (located in the application data directory). Each log message in the text file is in JSON format,
allowing for external log monitoring tools to easily consume and index the messages.
Custom Event Messages
It’s common to use applications like Splunk or DataDog to monitor the text based log to detect errors. In these cases it can be useful to create custom
log messages, based on specific logic you are monitoring. {{System.EventLog.Info}}
can be used as a pipeline write messages to the log. Format the writes as
a string value.
As an example, a pipeline can monitor the number of errors on a given set of pipelines and write to the logs if the number of errors exceeds 10.