
Application-level redundancy allows a second instance of the Intelligence Hub to act as a backup in the event the primary instance fails.

Set up application redundancy

  1. Install two copies of the HighByte Intelligence Hub. Identify one as the primary instance and the other as the backup instance.
  2. Configure and start the primary instance.
  3. Configure and start the backup instance.
    • Enable the backup instance by updating the redundancy settings either through the UI Settings page or by editing the intelligencehub-settings.json manually. See Application Settings for details.

With the primary and backup instances running, application-level redundancy operates as follows:

  1. The backup starts in standby mode. No pipelines are started.
  2. The backup pings the primary’s v1/info endpoint at a rate set by pingIntervalSeconds. In the event the primary does not respond, the backup continues to ping the primary until the number of successive failures is equal to pingAttempts.
  3. Once failed pingAttempts is reached, the backup transitions to active mode and any pipelines that are enabled are started.
  4. In active mode, the backup continues to ping the primary at a rate set by pingIntervalSeconds.
  5. Once the backup successfully pings the primary, all pipelines stop and the backup transitions to standby mode.
  6. The process repeats until the backup hub is stopped.

There is no automatic project synchronization between the primary and backup instances. The user needs to set up or deploy (through central hub management) a project for the primary and backup.