
In unlicensed mode the Intelligence Hub runs for two hours at a time, fully functional. After the two hours expires, all users are logged out and all runtime services are stopped, with the exception of configuration services. To reset the trial the user must re-login and reset the runtime to run for another two hours. To run for longer periods a valid license must be installed.

To license the Intelligence Hub, follow the instructions below.

Download a License

  1. Download your license from the licensing portal.

Installing the License through the UI

  1. Within HighByte Intelligence Hub, click “Unlicensed” in the upper right corner.
  2. Click the “Browse” button and choose the license file downloaded from the license portal.
  3. Click the “Import License” button.
  4. The upper right corner of the product will change to reflect the type of license imported (e.g., HighByte - Enterprise)

Installing the License Manually

  1. Create a license directory in the appData directory. By default, this would be runtime\license.
  2. Copy the license file to this directory and name the file intelligencehub.license.
  3. Restart the runtime.