
Models provide a standard definition for an asset, process, product, system, etc. A model consists of a collection of attributes that have a unique name and data type. For example, a model for a Motor might have on/off state as a boolean, speed as a float, and location as a string.

Models abstract away the specifics of the data source. Once modeled, it doesn’t matter if the motor comes from vendor A or B, the data for the motor looks the same and contains all the context required for the use case.

Create a Model

  1. Navigate to Models in the configuration’s Main Menu. Here you can add, edit, and view models. To add a model, click the New Model button.
  2. Enter a Name of the model, followed by optional Description and a Group As folder to categorize the model. Click Next to continue.

New Model

  1. Click New Attribute and set the attribute’s Name and Type. Additional attribute properties are described below. Continue to add additional attributes that should be assigned to this model and click the Submit button when finished.

New Model Attributes

Attributes have the following settings.

Setting Description
Name The name for the attribute to be included in the model.
Attribute Type Attributes can be Simple (string, numeric, etc), Modeled (child Model definition), or Object (hierarchy). Object types mean the model contains inline hierarchy. Simple and Modeled types have additional configuration described below.
Simple Type Only shown if the Attribute Type is Simple. Select the primitive type (ex. Int, Real32, String, File, etc).
Model Only shown if the Attribute Type is Modeled. Select the child model to reference. Use this to compose model definitions using sub models.
Array Specifies if the attribute is an array of values of the specified type.
Required Specifies if an instance of this model must populate the attribute. Only required attributes will generate errors when they cannot be populated.
Nullable If enabled the attribute can output a value of “attributeName”: null in the payload
Description Optional description of the field.
Default Value Default value to use for the attribute if the Instance does not override the value. The value is expressed in JSON form. Strings must be quoted.

Model Composition

When setting an attribute to a Modeled type, the parent Model is now composed of the child model. This is shown below where the Thermostat model has an attribute that is an assetInfo model. The assetInfo model attributes are shown in the tree, but they are read only. When creating an Instance based on the parent model, the Instance contains all the attributes from the parent and child models.

Model Composition