Environment Variables

Environment variables are the global system environment variables configured on the host machine.

Important: Only environment variables that begin with PUBLIC_ are available as references in the Intelligence Hub. This is to ensure that sensitive information is not inadvertently exposed.

These variables can be used for a more scalable approach to deployment. As an example, there may be multiple applications on a machine that reference a commonly used proxy. In this case, the proxy settings could be assigned to environment variables that can be referenced by all applications, and within the Intelligence Hub using an environment variable reference.

Enabling Environment Variables

Environment variables can be enabled in the UI on the Settings page under the Expressions section by toggling Allow Environment References.

Environment variables are loaded when the Intelligence Hub starts, or when the Allow Environment References setting is toggled.

Using Environment Variables

When enabled, environment variables are available via the Reference Panel under Variables | Environment. Like other inputs, {{System.Environment.PUBLIC_VARIABLE}} can be used to reference the value in supported fields in Instances, Connections, Inputs, Outputs, etc.

Similar to System Variables there are some fields (various Connection Settings for example) that do not support most inputs, but can be configured using environment variables.