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Tagging allows configuration objects (Connections, Conditions, Models, Instances, and Flows) to be grouped by use case, common components, or arbitrary groups. Once grouped, the UI can be filtered to only show objects with certain tags. This allows a large project to be broken up by use case.


For example, a user may have components used as part of an OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) use case, and another group of objects used for an Environmental use case. To take this further, both use cases may have common cloud connectors, and these cloud Connections could be tagged with “Cloud” in addition to the use case tag.

Once objects are tagged, the UI can filter on “OEE” and only see configuration for the OEE use case.

In Central Configuration tags allow configuration objects to be grouped and managed as a whole. For example, one can compare the “OEE” tag across the host and remote hub, to see if there are any changes. Optionally, users could then choose to re-deploy the “OEE” tag to update the use case on the remote hub. Users could also use tagging to update the credentials for “Cloud” tagged connectors and push those credential updates to the remote hubs.