
Connection Settings


Specifies the URL to connect to. This is the base URL to the InfluxDB API.


Specifies the token provided by InfluxDB to authenticate the connection. This token limits what HighByte Intelligence Hub has access to in InfluxDB.

Organization Name

The organization name in Influx. This is optional, and when left blank the default organization for the account is used.

Input Settings

Flux Query

The Flux query string used to query InfluxDB. See the InfluxDB documentation on supported query strings and syntax.

Data is returned in CSV format, and this data is available in HighByte Intelligence Hub as an array of rows.

Output Settings


Specifies the the InfluxDB bucket to write data to. This bucket must exist in InfluxDB and be accessible by the connection token.


Specifies the name measurement name. If left blank, the model or data type name is used.

This field supports dynamic outputs.


Specifies the name tag added to the measurement. If left blank, the input or instance name is used.

This field supports dynamic outputs.


The tags associated with the data written to InfluxDB. Tags are a way to organize data in InfluxDB. Each tag is placed on a newline. As an example, tags can be used with dynamic outputs to organize data in an ISA-95 structure.


Specifies the timestamp of the data written to InfluxDB. If left blank, the timestamp of the payload is used. To set the timestamp either provide a UTC ISO-8601 format timestamp or the UTC epoch value in milliseconds.

This field support dynamic outputs.