
The File Connector supports reading and writing files locally on the file system, via SMB (Serer Message Block), and FTP.

Connection Settings

Communication Protocol

Specifies the communication protocol used to access the files. The following options are supported.

Option Description
File Protocol Used for local directory access. Local in this context means on the same machine the Intelligence Hub is running on.
SMB Used to access shared network directories.
FTP Access files on an FTP server.

Communication Protocol: SMB

The following connection settings are available for the SMB protocol.

Setting Description
Share Specifies the server and share name of the access shared network directory.

Ex. \ServerName\ShareName
Domain Specifies the domain of the server used to access the shared network directory.
Username & Password Username and password required to authenticate with the share. Leave this blank for anonymous access.

Communication Protocol: FTP

The following connection settings are available for the FTP protocol.

Setting Description
Server Type In most cases this should be set to Unix. In some cases, Windows specific FTP servers may need the Windows option selected.
Use Passive Mode In most cases passive mode should be used. Active mode requires the FTP server to connect back to the FTP Client, and is more difficult to configure securely.
Host Specifies the hostname of the FTP server.
Port Specifies the port of the FTP server.
Username & Password Username and password required to authenticate with the share. Leave this blank for anonymous access.

Common Connection Settings

The following settings are applicable to all protocols.

Setting Description
File Directory Specifies the root directory for file processing.
Processed File Directory Specifies the directory where files are moved to after processing successfully. This is only used by inputs that enable “Process File”.
Error Directory Specifies the directory where files are moved to after processing unsuccessfully. This is only used by inputs that enable “Process File”.

Input Settings

File Name

The file name to read. This can be the full name of a single file or a regular expression. As an example, (.+) matches any file in the directory.

Use the References panel on the left to explore and drag-and-drop references to other inputs.

Relative Path

The relative path of the starting directory in regards to the connection level File Directory setting.

Process File

When enabled, the file is moved to the connection’s processed directory after being read.

Include Metadata

Include metadata in the read, including file name and the relative file path.

Output Settings

File Name

Specifies the name of the file to write to. This includes the file extension and directories. The file path can include dynamic outputs (e.g., /{{}}/file.bin)

Relative Path

The relative path of the starting directory in regard to the connection level File Directory setting.

Payload Reference

When working with complex payloads, this setting uses dynamic outputs to specify the attribute that contains the file payload (e.g. {{this.filePayload}}.

Note: If left blank, the file connector will write the entire payload out to a file.

Base64 Decoding

When enabled, payloads are base64 decoded before being output as a file. This is used in when receiving Base64 encoded file payloads over other connections such as REST or MQTT.