Amazon S3

Connection Settings

Access Key

IAM created user access key with S3 permission.

Secret Key

IAM provided secret key.


Region of the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams instance (e.g., us-east-1)

Input Settings

Inputs are not currently supported

Output Settings

Bucket Name

The name of the bucket to output data to. This field supports dynamic output references.


Specifies the default file name in S3. If left empty the file name is a GUID with a timestamp. This field supports dynamic output references to control the key depending on the output payload.

Payload Reference

When working with complex payloads, this setting uses dynamic outputs to specify the attribute that contains the file payload (e.g. {{this.filePayload}} ).

Note: If left blank, the entire payload is written out.


Sets system defined name-value pairs included with the value sent to the S3 bucket. For example, users can set the Content-Type of the payload to different types such as application/json or text/csv.

Storage Class

Specify the storage class of the payloads being written out to S3.

Prefix Path with UTC Time

When enabled a time prefix is added to the key to logically separate files in S3 as yyyy/MM/dd/HH/key.